Get in Touch
Please use the contact form to submit a general enquiry. If you are interested in any of my services, or want to find out more about how SEO and / or blogging could support your business and help you achieve your goals, please book a free discovery call to get started. I aim to respond to new enquiries within 3 working days.
Book Your Free Discovery Call
My discovery calls are completely free, so you get an entire hour with me to explore how SEO could help you achieve your business goals. SEO is an investment in long-term online visibility and sales, and it may not be right for every business at a particular time. Therefore, I like to give potential clients at any level the opportunity to explore whether SEO is the right investment for their business at that time.
My services - particularly SEO consultancy - rely heavily on client engagement, co-operation and trust, and I only want to work with clients with whom I can build a positive relationship. I want to know whether potential clients are as committed as I am, so joining a free discovery call is a requirement for any client who wants to work with me on a consultancy package.​
My SEO Discovery Calls are For You If:
You are serious about investing in SEO consultancy, and want the opportunity for us to get to know one another, to better understand how I work and discover whether we are likely to be a good match.
You want to explore how SEO could work for your business and help you achieve your goals
You want to unlock the benefits of SEO / blogging, but you aren't sure which of my offers would be best suited to your goals and requirements, and you'd like to find out more.
I will not ask you to agree to buy or sign up to anything on the call - I don't operate like that, so you will not be pressured into a sale. However, I may provide recommendations for which offers I have available that would best suit your business. I will also send one follow-up email after the call to check-in, offer further assistance and provide further details of relevant packages. If you have expressed interest in my SEO consultancy services, I may ask you if you would like me to prepare a proposal for your consideration after our call.
1 hr
Contact Me
I aim to respond to enquiries within 3 working days. Please check your spam / junk folder for communications. If you are interested in my 3/6/12 month SEO consultancy packages, I will require you to book a free 1 hour discovery call before we can work together.